Domestic Violence Assistance

Organization Details

Organization Name:
TurnAround, Inc.
8503 LaSalle Road,
2nd Floor,
Office days/hours
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Description of other
Text: 410-498-5956
Advice/Help Hotline Phone
Advice/Help Hotline Days/Hours
Immediate response due to safety concerns giving survivors access to our 24/7 crisis helpline and text line, assistance to locate safe house options, and connection to crisis therapy and advocacy and resource services.
Cost or fee (describe)
Free of cost
Baltimore City and Baltimore County
Survivors of human trafficking, sexual assault, and intimate partner violence
Program Description

Baltimore County Office: 410-377-8111, Baltimore City Office: 410-837-7000

TurnAround provides wrap-around and therapeutic services for survivors of intimate-partner and sexual violence. These services include case management, group and individual therapy, legal advocacy, shelter, referrals and employment readiness.

  • Trauma therapy for adult, teenage, and child survivors, and their families
  • Emergency shelter
  • Anti-sex trafficking program
  • Victim advocacy
  • Transitional housing
  • Community education and training
  • Information and referral
  • 26-week Abuser Intervention Program for perpetuators of domestic violence who want to change
Domestic Violence
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
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