This article addresses levels of representation, questions you should ask before meeting with a lawyer, interviewing a lawyer, what to look for during the interview, and what to ask about services.
Real property, which is also often referred to as real estate, is the land and the things that are permanently attached to it, like a house. Real property can have a sole owner. Real property can also have multiple owners. The owner may be a person, but the owners can also be a company, a trust, or other entity.
People often wrongly assume that any discrimination by a landlord is illegal. “To discriminate” means simply to distinguish among available choices. Some of these distinctions are lawful; others are not.
REAL ID explained: Title II of the REAL ID Act sets standards for state IDs. By May 7, 2025, non-compliant IDs won't board planes or access Federal facilities. Maryland offers REAL ID licenses with 'Core Four' documents: Age, Identity, Social Security, and Address proofs.
The U.S. Social Security Administration funds Social Security retirement, disability, and Supplemental Security Income benefits. Access to benefits and the benefits amounts depend on the various eligibility factors.
Establishing paternity is the process of determining who is the legal father of a child. To disestablish paternity means to overturn or rescind all rights and obligations of the legal father. This article addresses frequently asked questions about paternity.
A statute is a written law passed by a legislative body. Maryland's legislative body is the Maryland General Assembly. Congress is the legislative body for the United States.
Many, but not all, court forms are available through the Maryland Judiciary website. Below are the links to some of the most commonly used forms from Maryland's District and Circuit Courts, Maryland's Office of Register of Wills, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, and selected other sources. Local public law libraries can provide additional resources, including sample forms when there is not an official form for the legal action.
Frequently asked questions about mediation. Mediation is a process where a trained impartial person helps people in a dispute communicate, understand each other, and reach agreement if possible.
The titling of your property is an important concept to understand to determine who has access to your property and what will happen with that property when you die.
An apostille is a way to authenticate documents for use outside the country where they were created. This article deals primarily with obtaining an apostille from Maryland for use elsewhere.
When deciding grandparent visitation rights, the court must balance what is best for the child, with a parent’s constitutional right to direct the way their child is raised.
Federal and state law prohibits discrimination in the rental, sale, advertising and financing of housing on the basis of your race, color, religion, gender, national origin, family status.