Your criminal record may keep you from securing employment, housing, a loan, credit, or custody of a child. Expungement of a criminal record means that certain kinds of court and police records are destroyed or sealed. An expunged record cannot be seen by the public, employers or background check agencies. However, the record may still be seen by government agencies, police, military, and other agencies that require a security clearance for a particular job.
The following organizations provide assistance to individuals seeking expungement of their criminal record.
Civil Justice is a referral service for low/mid-bono legal help. Although services are not free, this is a good option for low to moderate income individuals who may not qualify for assistance through Maryland Legal Aid or Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS).
Ways to get help:
- Call 410-706-0174 (Mondays, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.)
- Fill out an online intake form.
Community Legal Services of Prince George's County – 800-574-0709
Community Legal Services will assist all eligible Marylanders with completing their expungement petitions, regardless of their income.
Ways to get help:
- Through CLS' external clinic events.
- Call 240-391-6370 to apply for free legal representation.
- Complete the on-line intake form.
Maryland Legal Aid is a non-profit law firm dedicated to providing high-quality legal advocacy to protect and advance human rights for Maryland’s most vulnerable low-income individuals, families, and communities. Maryland Legal Aid provides assistance with criminal record expungements and may represent clients in expungement hearings. Maryland Legal Aid’s services are free for financially eligible individuals which is based on income and assets available to the household.
Ways to get help:
• Apply online
• Call 1-888-465-2468 (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.)
• Attend a free legal clinic
• Visit a Maryland Legal Aid office.
Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service (MVLS)
Services are limited to individuals who meet certain income eligibility and geographical location requirements.
Ways to get help:
- Call 410-547-6537 or 800-510-0050, Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Apply for services online.