Immigration Legal Services

Organization Details

Organization Name:
Tahirih Justice Center
211 E. Lombard St.,
Suite 307,
Program Contact Phone
Program uses Language Line (Y/N)
Program staff provide services in other lanuages
Office days/hours
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Intake days/hours (walk-in)
Walk-ins not accepted
Intake days/hours (other)
Tuesday, 10 am - 2 pm
Cost or fee (describe)
Free of cost
Immigrant women and girls
Program Description

Are you an immigrant survivor who needs protection from violence or threats to your life or freedom, or do you know someone who might need our help?

Tahirih Justice Center provides free and confidential legal and social services including screening, assessment, counsel and advice, and/or full-scale legal representation. Tahirih staff are experts in the areas of:

  • Gender-based asylum (for individuals who have suffered or fear that they will suffer persecution in their home country)
  • Violence Against Women’s Act Petitions (for battered spouses, parents, and/or children)
  • T Visas (for survivors of trafficking)
  • U Visas (for survivors of certain types of crimes on U.S. soil)
  • Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (for abused, abandoned, or neglected children)

Social services are also provided for clients whose cases are taken on by Tahirih.

If you live in Maryland, please call our Baltimore location at 410-999-1900 during our intake hours between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Tuesdays. If you live in the Washington, DC area, Virginia, or Maryland, please call our Greater DC location at 571-282-6161 during our intake hours between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.

En español:

Los servicios legales de Tahirih son holísticos y centrados en el cliente, e incluyen revisión para determinar elegibilidad, evaluación, consejo y/o representación legal a gran escala. Nuestros empleados son expertos en las áreas de las demandas para asilo basadas en género, las demandas para VAWA (la Ley de Violencia contra las Mujeres), las Visas U, las Visas T, y el Estatus Especial para Inmigrantes Juveniles. Servicios sociales también están provistos para clientes cuyos casos han sido aceptados por Tahirih.

Immigration and Citizenship
Full Representation
Se habla Español
Full Representation
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