Home Preservation Project (HPP)

Program Contact email
Program Description

The goal of the Home Preservation Project is to keep people in their homes.  We believe that by providing the tools and supports that we offer, we are able to help long-time members of communities age in place, preserve intergenerational wealth (which, for our clients, is generally equity in the home), provide security for families, and protect the rights of homeowners.   

Estate Planning Services:  Estate planning sounds like something that would only be important to people of means, but this isn’t the case.  At our clinics, “Estate planning” means that we draft for our clients a will, an advance medical directive, and a financial power of attorney.   

Tax Sale Prevention: To address the rising number of low-income homeowners in at risk of losing their homes due to delinquent property taxes, tax sale clinics were established in partnership with Maryland Volunteer Lawyer Service.

Wills, Estates, Probate
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Life and Health Planning
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics

Source URL: https://peoples-law.org/home-preservation-project-hpp

List of links present in page
  1. https://peoples-law.org/home-preservation-project-hpp
  2. mailto:[email protected]
  3. https://probonomd.org/project/homepreservation/
  4. https://mvlslaw.org/
  5. #bootstrap-panel--content